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“Many people will experience, at least once in their lifetime, the urge to venture beyond the everyday world of the mundane into the world of the spirit. These journeys in the spiritual world often take us into a universe we normally do not encounter in our daily lives, and allow us to explore regions of our consciousness that we have not before known.”

~ Eva Wong, Taoism: An Essential Guide


I come from a background of a loving family that also involved deep trauma and substance abuse. Those difficult experiences created PTSD issues in my teens that slowly became more problematic over time – especially as I got into my late 30’s. Through the use of plant medicines, I began my healing journey in early 2006 while I was employed in the finance industry where I had been working in sales and sales management for about 15 years at that time. It was through the work with Ayahuasca and the shamanic plant dietas that I was able to heal and transform my life.

Early on in my work with these plant teachers, I heard the call to go deeper and to learn and guide medicine ceremonies but dismissed it as a question many must consider due to the depth and uniqueness of the experiences. The call continued and shortly after my third trip to the amazon I was fortunate enough to be invited to begin my deeper exploration of myself and these medicinal plants with the gifted maestros I had been working with.

Since that time I have continued my practice with Aya and beginning seven years ago, Huachuma, especially in conjunction with shamanic plant dietas. The dietas are the foundation of my medicine practice with Ayahuasca, Huachuma (San Pedro), and Kambo. I have been serving Ayahuasca and Huachuma for eight years in The Sacred Valley near Cusco, and near my home in Tarapoto, Peru along with holding shamanic plant dietas near Tarapoto.

It is with deep gratitude that I provide an experience for others so that they too may find balance, healing, and deep contentment through the inward journey of self-exploration that can be found working with these medicines in a rustic and comfortable jungle environment.

Offerings & Treatments

Shamanic Plant Dietas


Sacred Medicine Ceremonies


San Pedro Ceremonies


Amazon Frog Medicine


Contact English

“I’m so grateful for my time in dieta with John at Nova Terra. I felt so held the entire diet, both from having harvested the tree right on the property and knowing the tree spirit was literally surrounding me in every way, but also by John’s care and presence. I knew I was taken care of so deeply that it allowed me to go even deeper with the tree and myself. Nova Terra holds such incredible beauty, I spent my days bathing in the river, soaking up the sun, just being with such lush, wild nature. It truly was a gift, one where I continue to reap the benefits. I can not wait to return.”

Paige Sommer, New York