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John Patton

John is a shamanic practitioner and curandero based out of Tarapoto, Peru. He has been working with entheogenic plants for almost 18 years, having begun his healing path in 2006 with maestros from Iquitos in the Loreto region of Peru.

Preparing, working with, and serving Ayahuasca, Huachuma and Kambo along with holding shamanic plant dietas has gifted him a broad base of experience and an ever-deepening relationship with these medicines and their spirits from which to draw upon.

John’s personal approach comes from a place of experience, empathy and compassion. These have grown out of life experiences that continue to renew and deepen his practice through this healing work. Originally from Northeast Ohio, John spent almost 20 years in the finance industry in different sales and management roles before being called into this practice through his own healing journey.

“John has dedicated his life to being of service to others in this field, drawing from his own personal experiences working with the medicine and from working and supporting others. It’s important to work with skilled facilitators who will keep you safe, supported and most importantly help with the all important of integrating the knowledge and experience into your daily life. He is a knowledgeable, supportive, kind, and delightful person with a deep reservoir of wisdom and a sense of humour. I followed a soul call to the medicine and to South America and I feel sure I will return again. If Ayahuasca is calling you then look no further you will be in good hands with John.”
– Nikki Cornfield, Australia