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All ceremonies and dietas are designed to support healing, release, and restoration through an honest reflection of self.

I chose the space I use for my own work and to hold dietas and ceremonies for others for its rustic, more traditional nature. An important part of the work is leaving behind for a time the external distractions in order to better focus inward. The rustic location and traditional ways are not only important for our collective memory but also as an important part of the process and outcome of the treatment.

Nova Terra is a wonderfully peaceful location located about an hour from Tarapoto. Situated on land that joins the Rio Cumbaza with the smaller, spring-fed stream of Cachiyacu where we swim and bathe surrounded by the Amazon. Truly refreshing.

My goal and the goal of my friends who work at and watch over Nova Terra is to provide compassionate retreat opportunities to those who are seeking to restore balance to their lives through personal and spiritual healing.