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Preparation and post medicine guidance


Deep and profound shifts in consciousness are possible during the relatively short period of a medicine retreat, be it Ayahuasca, Huachuma (San Pedro) or Shamanic Plant Dietas. However, these changes and breakthroughs can be short lived unless the “inner work” is integrated into the fabric of the participant’s day to day life back home.

This process of integration has been increasingly recognized as being of the utmost importance. One definition of integration is: The art of combining or adding parts to make a unified whole. (Collins English Dictionary.) We might rephrase this to include adding or subtracting parts to make a unified whole.

One helpful metaphor is to consider our lives as a complete jigsaw puzzle, with us the central piece in the middle, our unique shape fitting into all the disparate parts of the puzzle around us. During the process of our work with ayahuasca and other plants, who we are changes, sometimes radically. After our retreat, we may discover that our “shape” has changed to the extent that some elements of our lives back home no longer fit well with who we now are.

However, although it is possible in a week or so of ceremonies to realize we have, for example, outgrown the career or relationship we have had for the last 15 years, for practical reasons, it may take months or longer to transition out of such a long held dynamic.

Large volumes of unconscious material may be brought to the surface during our retreat, and help might be needed to process and work through long suppressed memories and feelings. It can be of great benefit having someone appropriately trained to hold a safe space for us to go through this integration process, whether this is just a one-off consultation, or a more regular on-going arrangement over a longer period of time.

Small maximum group size allows space to focus on “framing” and guiding the integration process during the retreat, to help each guest to become aware of their own individual trajectory in life, whatever their circumstances, thus preparing people to carry on with this inner work upon their return.

Not everyone will feel the need for further support and guidance after their retreat, but for those who do, here is a list of integration therapists.

Aline Love

Aline is a 32-year seasoned Healing Artist and coach, certified in various ancient and modern spiritual energy medicine modalities such as Coaching, Healing Touch®, Energy Codes®, and B.E.S.T. (Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique) to heal your subconscious interferences. I offer a safe, sacred, and compassionate space for your healing, integration, empowerment, and awakening through these modalities and others, such as meditation, yoga, breathwork, and sound. Embrace your divine essence and personal gifts, and free up the joy and love within you.

Cei Cie

Hi Im Cei Cie and currently living in Peru. I am a professionally certified life coach who helps clients achieve personal and professional goals centred on their core values and beliefs. I am also certified in and use mindfulness and meditation techniques to help you achieve your goals. I have worked with Shamans in the amazon of Peru learning about the plant medicines and have helped hundreds of people to integrate the message of the plants into their everyday lives. I help you to learn how to go deeper into yourself and to learn how to access your own answers within so as to empower yourself. When I first came to Peru and worked with Ayahuasca I realised the need for many people for after care after receiving plant medicines and knew this was my path. If you feel you need some extra help then id love to hear from you. I offer a free 20min consultation to assess if we are a good fit to work together.

The Inner Council

Inner Child work centered specifically around plant medicine preparation and integration.

MAPS - Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies

List of providers in the States, listed alphabetically
List of worldwide and virtual providers

Please note, I do not specifically endorse these therapists/coaches, each of us must do our own research and take responsibility for our choices. One suggestion is to try out an introductory session with someone whose approach resonates with you, and then take it from there.